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Robles to Hold Pool School in Vegas
May 5, 2008, 1:37 PM

Robles hopes to get himself in stroke for the Predator 10-Ball event.
World-renowned instructor Tony Robles will be hosting a pool school at Pool Sharks in Las Vegas on May 10-11. A 2003 and 2004 Mosconi Cup Team Champion and the 2004 BCA Open 9-Ball Champion, Robles has been teaching for almost 20 years and is one of the most sought after instructors in the country. Now, he is taking his teachings to the Las Vegas area prior to playing in the Predator International 10-Ball Championship.

Currently fourth on the UPA tour rankings, Tony is also one of four instructors that will be teaching at the Predator Pro School with Efren Reyes, Francisco Bustamante and Thorsten Hohmann at Top Hat Billiards in Jacksonville, Florida on May 21-22, 2008, but Las Vegas attendees can have a major opportunity to attend Tony Robles’ Deadly Pool Workshop at Pool Sharks in Vegas.

The cost will be $350 for six hours of instruction over two days. If you sign up and pay in full by May 8, you will get a $50 discount. That’s $300 dollars total for both days. Spots are going fast, so sign up as soon as possible.

For more information, please contact John Kutcher at (702) 339-1554 or by e-mail at johnkutcher@hotmail.com.