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Video Preview of the IPT’s Deuel-Bustamante Battle
Jan 23, 2008, 10:13 AM

Francisco Bustamante and Corey Deuel
Get the all the trash talk, mind games and straight dope behind the IPT’s big East vs. West Challenge match, via Video Preview from Billiards Digest and AZBTV.com.

Cory Deuel and Francisco Bustamante laid it all on the line for BD/AZBTV in early sneak-preview match interviews now available for view at www.billiardsdigest.com/ipteastwestvideo . They’ll square off in their $5,000 challenge match at 8 p.m. EST Wednesday on the IPT Web site, www.internationalpooltour.com.

Find out which player has the statistical advantage, and which is hoping for last-second lessons for the 8-ball break. Hall-of-Famer Mike “The Mouth” Sigel will weigh in with his pick, and reveal how young Deuel can counter Bustamante’s ferocious opening salvo. And tour director Deno Andrews will report on the state of the one-time multimillion-dollar pool tour, which now turns to the Internet as its main arena.

Again, the preview is available now at www.billiardsdigest.com/ipteastwestvideo . And check out the match Wednesday night on the IPT site, offered for free from the tour.